Federica Fanoni

Translation surfaces

Translation surfaces are obtained by gluing together finitely many polygons in the Euclidean plane by identifying their sides via translations. This simple definition gives rise to a rich theory, which is an active topic of research. This course is an introduction to this subject.

More precisely: we will talk about different equivalent definitions of translation surfaces and introduce their moduli spaces. We will then discuss some results about geodesics on translation surfaces.

Prerequisites: basics in topology and in complex analysis, basic knowledge of manifolds.


The course will take place during the first half of the 2018 Summer Semester. It is equivalent to a semester long two hours/week course.

Registration is possible on Müsli.

Some references: the first four are surveys about translation surfaces (and various other related topics). Miranda's book is a reference for the Riemannian surfaces part. Hubbard's book is a quite advanced reference for Teichmüller theory. The last is the PhD thesis of Anja Randecker on infinite translation surfaces

Handwritten notes

Important disclaimer: I do not guarantee that the notes are correct and that there is no discrepancy between what is in the notes and what is covered during the lectures.
Here you can find a very very short introduction to infinite translation surfaces.