Federica Fanoni

Basics in Mathematics - Geometry

This course will give an introduction to graph theory. It will provide basic concepts which will be used in the courses Discrete aspects of geometry and topology and Computational aspects of geometry and topology.

Lectures: Tuesdays 10-12:30, Room B2 92
Change of date: class on September 27th moved to September 22nd, at 9:30, in the same room

Lecture notes: I will add lecture notes after every lecture. They are the main reference for the course. Disclaimer: I cannot guarantee that the notes do not contain typos or errors. Please do let me know if you find a mistake.
A good book on graph theory is Graph theory, by Diestel. It mostly deals with simple graphs, though, so extra care is needed when allowing multiple edges and loops.

Exam: there will be a short written exam at the beginning of the last class (October 4th). One of the exercises will be one that's been given in class. The text of the exam with the solutions can be found here.